Star Phases, The Helical Setting Star and Curtailed passage – The Ascent and Descent of the Soul.
A feature full newsletter article about the meaning of your Heliacal Setting star and any stars that you have in the phase of Curtailed Passage.
Starlight astrology software and fixed star analysis
A feature full newsletter article about the meaning of your Heliacal Setting star and any stars that you have in the phase of Curtailed Passage.
The third of four articles exploring the royal stars of Persia through their mythology and activity in the charts of famous people.
The second of four articles exploring the royal stars of Persia through their mythology and activity in the charts of famous people.
The Royal Stars of Persia – A focus on Antares. The first of four articles exploring the royal stars of Persia through their mythology and activity in the charts of famous people.
This article considers some of the stars connected with the chart of the first black woman to lie in honour in the vast circular room under the Capitol dome, USA.
The use of the annual pattern of heliacal rising stars that are unique for a given latitude to gain insights into the pulse of a city or place.
Simon Wiesenthal – Beyond The Final Solution. A tribute to a remarkable man who had Facies as his heliacal rising star and Algol as his heliacal setting star.
A Woman wears a Crown. Considers Alphecca, the Crown of Thorns, as the heliacal rising star in the case study of a woman in grief.
Exploring the unique relationship that the stars have to place and how this leads to Star Phases. The heliacal rising star is defined with suggestions as to its role in post-modern astrology.