Algol – The bright star in the head of the Gorgon
A case study of Algol in a person’s chart.
A case study of Algol in a person’s chart.
A few brief notes on Algol’s narrative.
A consideration of the sky imagery reflected in the reflection of the earth below and the sky above in the imagery of the earth at night as well as in the flags of many nations.
The use of the annual pattern of heliacal rising stars that are unique for a given latitude to gain insights into the pulse of a city or place.
Simon Wiesenthal – Beyond The Final Solution. A tribute to a remarkable man who had Facies as his heliacal rising star and Algol as his heliacal setting star.
This newsletter was written as Pope Benedict XVI was elected, but it correctly foresees that his reign as pope is curtailed in some way.
A consideration to two natal Suns and their fixed star parans – Katherine Hepburn and Cate Blanchett.