Isadora Duncan – Born with a Witches’ Moon.
A case study of Isadora Duncan’s chart as an example of the possible meanings of a natal “drawn down” moon.
Starlight astrology software and fixed star analysis
A case study of Isadora Duncan’s chart as an example of the possible meanings of a natal “drawn down” moon.
A look at the ancient concept of drawing down the Moon and linking this to the cycle of lunar stand stills.
The visual astrology of the lunar eclipse of the 17 October, 2005, and its mundane implications.
A case study on looking at the thirds of life and working with the parans.
This article correctly predicts London being awarded the 2012 Olympic Games by reading the Sky Map of the time of the decision. It also pin points the role of a rumour that undermines the Paris bid.
This newsletter was written as Pope Benedict XVI was elected, but it correctly foresees that his reign as pope is curtailed in some way.
A focus on the Occultation of the Moon with Antares.
An article about the
Moon rising higher than Saturn while both are in Cancer and its links to 1914 and 1945.
The newsletter showed the future the death of John Paul II correctly predicted from the sky map.