As Above so Below, Cities in the Sky
A consideration of the sky imagery reflected in the reflection of the earth below and the sky above in the imagery of the earth at night as well as in the flags of many nations.
A consideration of the sky imagery reflected in the reflection of the earth below and the sky above in the imagery of the earth at night as well as in the flags of many nations.
The use of the annual pattern of heliacal rising stars that are unique for a given latitude to gain insights into the pulse of a city or place.
The role of Sirius, the brightest star in the sky, in the founding of the city of New Orleans in March, 1718, and its cultural and historical implications following the devastation of Hurricane Katrina
“For there is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so” (Hamlet, Act 2 Sc.II) – A case study of a two year old’s Mercury giving insight into her great love of learning and the frustrations of her current lack of articulated language, as well as her future intellectual pursuits and interest.
The visual astrology of the earthquakes of January 2005