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Thursday 14 December 1503 11:27 am LMT -00:19:20
St Rémy, France 04°E50′ 46°N46′

Nostradamus, or Michel de Nostradame, was an astrologer and physician, and is well known for his ‘Centuries’, a collection of prophecies first published in 1555. He began his medical practice in 1529 in Agen, and he established a reputation as a healer, especially for his work during outbreaks of the plague. In 1547 he began making prophecies, and the popularity of the subsequent couplets resulted in a second collection in 1558. His fame spread and he was appointed royal physician to Charles IX in 1560. He died on 2 July 1566.

If the moment of birth is known, then Starlight will list any stars that were rising, culminating, setting, or on the nadir at that moment. Any star listed in this part of your paran report will be very strong and active for your entire life.

Star Options: Absolute, Visible from Location
Orbs: 2.00 mins (00°30) parans 4.00 mins (01°00) angles 0.00 mins (00°00) with sun
Day Start: Just before Sunrise (14 Dec 1503 07:48)
Planets: Traditional
Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn
Stars: Brady


For the date and place of your birth, there were stars that ruled that period of time. These stars are called the Heliacal Rising (rising before the sun) and Heliacal Setting (setting with the rising sun) and they indicate the background themes to your life; they really are your “Stars” – the stars that steer your journey through life. After each star the orb is given in minutes and seconds.

Aculeus – Rising 03 mins 24 secs before Sunrise –
Understanding that rough stones can be polished by life’s difficulties

El Nath – Setting 43 mins 12 secs before Sunrise –
A confronting attitude, a desire to deal with real life, real issues

This part of the report is concerned with the planets in the natal chart that are being influenced by fixed stars. If a star is rising at the same time as a planet is on any other angle, then the star will influence you in your early life.


RISING – Stars of Your Youth
Alnilam as Mars is Rising orb 00 mins 26 secs –
An individual who is an active problem-solver

The report is telling you that Alnilam (the star in the belt of Orion) was rising while Mars rose on the day of Nostradamus’ birth, and only an orb of 00 minutes and 26 seconds separated the two celestial events. Mars could have been setting, or culminating, or on the nadir, and it would still have been in paran, and still would be listed here under the stars of his youth – because Alnilam was rising as it formed the paran to Mars.

Facies as Sun is Rising orb 00 mins 46 secs –
A piercing focus to the point of ruthlessness, or prophetic vision – Arising and lying hidden

Sometimes a star will be at a key part of its “phase”, and this is indicated on the report by text in green or red.

Markab as Venus is Rising orb 01 mins 28 secs –
Strong personal and moral philosophies, to be unchanging in social ideas
Betelgeuse as Jupiter is Rising orb 01 mins 45 secs –
A person with a hunger for knowledge, or adventure

CULMINATING – Stars of Your Prime
Zuben Eschamali as Saturn is Setting orb 00 mins 04 secs –
To choose the hard, or less trodden, path for one’s career
Alhena as Sun is On Nadir orb 00 mins 12 secs –
A leader with a mission, a person who is identified with a cause
Scheat as Mercury is Setting orb 00 mins 15 secs –
The innovator, gifted with ideas, words or rhythm; far-sighted
Markab as Mercury is Setting orb 00 mins 28 secs –
To value logical argument, to build on ones knowledge
Thuban as Mercury is Rising orb 00 mins 52 secs –
To collect, decipher and organise facts – Circumpolar

Facies as Sun is Culminating orb 00 mins 58 secs –
A piercing focus to the point of ruthlessness, or prophetic vision – Arising and lying hidden
Sualocin as Venus is Culminating orb 01 mins 21 secs –
An artistic eye with colour, design or performance
Rukbat as Jupiter is On Nadir orb 01 mins 34 secs –
Success through a steady and thorough preparation – Arising and lying hidden

SETTING – Stars of Your Latter Years
Diadem as Venus is Culminating orb 00 mins 05 secs –
Appeasement – a person who can make compromises
Aldebaran as Moon is Rising orb 00 mins 07 secs –
Physically gifted, or a lover of nature
Zuben Elgenubi as Mars is On Nadir orb 00 mins 19 secs –
Actively involved with the quality of other peoples lives
Zuben Eschamali as Venus is Culminating orb 00 mins 32 secs –
To feel strongly regarding what is right, and what is wrong
Alkes as Mars is Setting orb 01 mins 02 secs –
To take action to achieve and protect one’s ideals
Alphard as Jupiter is Setting orb 01 mins 03 secs –
An explorer of places or people

ON NADIR – Stars of Your Foundation
Algol as Jupiter is Setting orb 00 mins 24 secs –
An obsession with power, whether political, physical or spiritual
Menkar as Jupiter is Setting orb 00 mins 27 secs –
Feast or famine, the fickleness of life
Denebola as Saturn is Rising orb 00 mins 43 secs –
A person who represents alternative life choices
Procyon as Moon is Setting orb 01 mins 14 secs –
Changes in ones passions, shifts in likes and dislikes
Sualocin as Venus is On Nadir orb 01 mins 23 secs –
An artistic eye with colour, design or performance
Rukbat as Jupiter is Culminating orb 01 mins 51 secs –
Success through a steady and thorough preparation – Arising and lying hidden

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