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Jesus Christ
The birth of Christ
Tuesday 15 September 0007 BC 6:00 pm -02:20:40
Bethlehem, Israel 35°E12′ 31°N43′
According to the ‘classic’ theory of Ferrari d’Occhieppo (1969) – Hughes (1979) – Seymour (1998). Jesus was born on September 15, 7 B.C. at around 6 pm in Bethlehem, under the opposition of the Sun in Virgo to the conjunction Jupiter-Saturn at its rising. This assumption explains the words of the magi to Herod: ‘We saw his star at its rising’, which supports the supposition that this ‘star’ had not yet disappeared and that it could be observed again, and the enigmatic metaphor of the Immaculate Conception (the text of the Gospel ‘born of a virgin’ could be read rather ‘born in the sign of Virgo’). The simultaneity of the astronomical event occurred with the arrival of the Messiah, king of the Jews (Jupiter, the royal planet, beneficial, in conjunction with Saturn, the planet of the Jews). The symbol of Pisces would have been preserved as a form of recognition and a rallying sign for the first Christian communities.
An indicator, however plausible, remains just a presumption; the union of several concordant indicators can be more convincing. The view is that this theory agrees with a second theory, of Essenian origin, which determines the maximum of ‘parts of light’ for the 15th of September for each year (see Qumran ms 4Q186). Thus the birth of the Messiah has been anticipated and prepared for, and organized by the Jewish Essenian community – by astrologers – and the child has been educated for his future function as in the case of the future dalai-lama.
The complete text of the article (in French): Feb, 2002
This paran report has been created by Starlight for this hypothetical time.
Star Options: Absolute, Visible from Location
Orbs: 2.00 mins (00°30) parans 4.00 mins (01°00) angles 0.00 mins (00°00) with sun
Day Start: Just before Sunrise (15 Sep 0007 BC 05:43)
Planets: Traditional
Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn
Stars: Brady
Castor – On Nadir orb 03 mins 44 secs –
An optimistic attitude to life, seeing or seeking the brighter side of life
Vega – Culminating at the Mid-heaven orb 01 mins 44 secs –
To have charisma, to be a strong influence on others
Alkes – Rising 86 mins 48 secs before Sunrise –
To be the living vessel of a sacred body of knowledge or philosophy
Scheat – Setting 55 mins 35 secs before Sunrise –
To pursue a life of learning and thinking
RISING – Stars of Your Youth
Canopus as Mars is On Nadir orb 00 mins 12 secs –
The explorer or athlete; a person who seeks to expand physical boundaries
Algol as Jupiter is Rising orb 00 mins 41 secs –
An obsession with power, whether political, physical or spiritual
Algol as Saturn is Rising orb 00 mins 51 secs –
Establishing new boundaries through a desire to undertake difficult tasks
Markab as Mars is Culminating orb 01 mins 32 secs –
To be honest, and act in an open-handed way
CULMINATING – Stars of Your Prime
Mirach as Sun is On Nadir orb 00 mins 34 secs –
Wanting to remove the pain or ugliness from life, interested in beauty – Curtailed passage
Sirius as Sun is Rising orb 00 mins 46 secs –
Sudden success which can burn
Mirach as Jupiter is Culminating orb 00 mins 58 secs –
An insatiable appetite for the physical world, money or people – Curtailed passage
Denebola as Mars is Rising orb 01 mins 15 secs –
To champion the non-establishment cause
Vindemiatrix as Sun is Culminating orb 01 mins 36 secs –
The one who gathers information, things or people
Vindemiatrix as Saturn is On Nadir orb 01 mins 42 secs –
Exploring, or collecting information in order to implement new systems
SETTING – Stars of Your Latter Years
Alpheratz as Sun is Rising orb 00 mins 15 secs –
Independent and freedom-loving – Curtailed passage
Alhena as Sun is Culminating orb 00 mins 47 secs –
A leader with a mission, a person who is identified with a cause
Alhena as Saturn is On Nadir orb 00 mins 53 secs –
A social architect, one who can create new social systems
Murzim as Mars is Rising orb 01 mins 29 secs –
Forthright in all ways of communication
Spica as Saturn is Rising orb 01 mins 39 secs –
To be a prime mover of an idea, a founder, an originator
Deneb Algedi as Mercury is On Nadir orb 01 mins 52 secs –
The scholar, the one who is seen to be wise
Toliman as Mars is Culminating orb 01 mins 53 secs –
A persistent personality – Arising and lying hidden
ON NADIR – Stars of Your Foundation
Canopus as Saturn is Rising orb 00 mins 04 secs –
Leadership in the face of great difficulties
Pollux as Saturn is Rising orb 00 mins 18 secs –
A person who can take a simple idea and build it into a practical application
Schedar as Moon is Setting orb 00 mins 31 secs –
A noble, religious or spiritual soul – Curtailed passage
Zosma as Moon is Rising orb 00 mins 42 secs –
The pacifist or the warmonger – to hate, or enjoy, the suffering of others
Mirach as Jupiter is On Nadir orb 00 mins 43 secs –
An insatiable appetite for the physical world, money or people – Curtailed passage
Pollux as Jupiter is Rising orb 01 mins 14 secs –
Loving the pursuit of the unusual idea, or mental addiction
Canopus as Jupiter is Rising orb 01 mins 28 secs –
The hero or the heroine
Vindemiatrix as Saturn is Culminating orb 01 mins 34 secs –
Exploring, or collecting information in order to implement new systems
Alkes as Moon is Rising orb 01 mins 46 secs –
A person with a love of, and empathy for, life and nature