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George Washington
Friday 22 February 1732 NS 10:14 am LMT +05:06:14
Westmoreland, VA 76°W33’33” 38°N03’51”
George Washington was a statesman, and first president of the United States. At his father’s death, the 11-year-old boy became the ward of his eldest half brother, Lawrence, who gave him wise and affectionate care. At the age of 14 he began work as a surveyor. In 1752 he inherited his brother’s estate, one of the finest in Virginia. He gained military experience in the French and Indian Wars but showed his daring and brilliance as a leader when he returned to arms as commander for the American army that gathered around Boston in 1775. He accepted the surrender of the British commander Cornwallis in 1781 and was unanimously chosen president of the Constitutional Convention in 1787 where he was overwhelmingly elected first president of the republic in 1789. He was re-elected in 1792. Washington died on 14 Dec 1799 and is considered as one of the founding fathers of the USA.
Star Options: Absolute, Visible from Location
Orbs: 2.00 mins (00°30) parans 4.00 mins (01°00) angles 1.00 mins (00°15) with sun
Day Start: Just before Sunrise (22 Feb 1732 06:44)
Planets: Traditional
Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn
Stars: Brady
Deneb Algedi – Rising 24 mins 34 secs before Sunrise –
Seeking the legal, physical or metaphyical laws that govern the world
Regulus – Setting 16 mins 43 secs before Sunrise –
A strong belief in the correctness of one’s position, or path
RISING – Stars of Your Youth
Sadalsuud as Mercury is Rising orb 00 mins 22 secs –
Honest and direct in one’s thinking
Spica as Moon is On Nadir orb 00 mins 54 secs –
A person who embraces new technology, a popular person
Vindemiatrix as Saturn is Setting orb 01 mins 24 secs –
Exploring, or collecting information in order to implement new systems
CULMINATING – Stars of Your Prime
Vega as Jupiter is Setting orb 00 mins 01 secs –
Obsessive problem solver, or obsessed with a grand idea
Murzim as Saturn is Setting orb 00 mins 19 secs –
Being able to influence others through ones words
Ankaa as Saturn is Culminating orb 00 mins 30 secs –
A pathmaker – someone who can build new direction from chaos – Arising and lying hidden
Zuben Eschamali as Moon is Rising orb 00 mins 59 secs –
To feel responsible for social, or ecological, problems
Sualocin as Mars is Setting orb 01 mins 19 secs –
One who can motivate others, a person who can sell an idea
SETTING – Stars of Your Latter Years
Denebola as Jupiter is Setting orb 00 mins 21 secs –
To have success with unpopular or different ventures
Zuben Eschamali as Mercury is Culminating orb 00 mins 41 secs –
Imposing ones views on others
Acubens as Mars is Culminating orb 01 mins 05 secs –
The craftsperson; to create or build ideas or objects
Betelgeuse as Venus is On Nadir orb 01 mins 22 secs –
The successful artisan, or advancement due to a relationship
ON NADIR – Stars of Your Foundation
Ankaa as Saturn is On Nadir orb 00 mins 42 secs –
A pathmaker – someone who can build new direction from chaos – Arising and lying hidden
Capella as Sun is Rising orb 00 mins 58 secs –
An individual who wants to act as a free agent; the athlete
Mirfak as Moon is Rising orb 01 mins 45 secs –
Thrill seeker, the lover of a good fight or challenge
Alphecca as Mars is On Nadir orb 01 mins 56 secs –
A hard life, but the lessons learned lead to success